An overhead shot of a beach and waves coming in just like someone starting trauma therapy & anxiety therapy

Trauma & Anxiety Therapy in Hanover and throughout MA

Are you feeling trapped by past trauma or consumed by worries about the future?

Do worries keep you awake at night, leaving you tired and unmotivated during the day?

Are you feeling trapped by your past, unable to break free and move forward? Do worries keep you awake at night, leaving you tired and unmotivated during the day? And when your body feels restless, do you struggle to find calm? Or are you:

  • Constantly thinking that you're not good enough

  • Feelings of inadequacy in your daily tasks and roles

  • Sleep disturbance

  • Internal arguments late at night, trying to anticipate and manage potential conflicts in your relationships

  • Feel on edge, fearing the onset of another panic attack

If you're experiencing these feelings, please remember that you're not alone. As a trauma therapist, I am here to offer support and guidance to help you navigate through these challenges and move towards relief.

If you're experiencing these feelings, please remember that you're not alone. As a trauma therapist, I am here to offer support and guidance to help you navigate through these challenges and move towards relief.

How Trauma & Anxiety Therapy Work

Your life doesn’t look the way you want it to.

My treatment approach is focused on helping you navigate past trauma and current anxiety or panic attacks by equipping you with coping skills such as mindfulness, grounding, and relaxation techniques to soothe your body. I aim to provide you with a toolbox of strategies to guide you back to your authentic self and true pathway.

As a trained trauma therapist specializing in trauma and PTSD, I utilize evidence-based treatments to safely revisit the past. This process helps you identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts and beliefs, fostering self-compassion along the way.

In addressing anxiety and panic attacks, we work together to calm your body and mind while exploring how fear and worry impact your life. Through this process, we challenge negative self-talk and foster acceptance of fears, empowering you to regain control over your thoughts and emotions.

FAQs about Trauma & Anxiety Work

If you have more questions have a look at the FAQ page or reach out.

  • Combining Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can be highly effective in treating anxiety. CBT helps individuals challenge irrational thoughts, while ACT promotes mindfulness and acceptance of anxious feelings. Integrating both approaches offers a comprehensive strategy for managing anxiety, fostering resilience, and promoting a fulfilling life despite symptoms.

  • Trauma therapy differs from regular therapy by focusing specifically on addressing the effects of trauma on mental health and well-being. It utilizes specialized techniques like Cognitive Processing or Exposure therapy to help individuals process and heal from trauma.

    Prioritizing safety and stabilization, trauma therapy creates a supportive environment and employs a trauma-informed approach, addressing trauma symptoms such as flashbacks and emotional numbness. Unlike regular therapy, trauma therapy targets trauma symptoms and their underlying causes, offering a specialized and comprehensive approach to healing and recovery.

  • Some key indicators include a sudden change in mood and activity, where you're no longer engaging in things you once liked, you're having intrusive and specific repetitive thoughts or nightmares, or you're having feelings of disassociation (feeling like you're watching yourself from above, or on TV).

Throughout your treatment journey, you'll experience…

  • a reduction in overall symptoms, 

  • feeling more empowered and resilient with an expanded toolkit available to you at all times. 

  • You'll gain deeper insights into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, fostering greater self-awareness and understanding. 

  • Enhanced communication skills, empathy, and boundary-setting abilities will pave the way for healthier, more fulfilling relationships with others.

  •  Ultimately, you'll cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself, your values, and your motivations, leading to personal growth and a more authentic life.

Close up on plants in a field with sunlight shining through and a person walking toward starting the journey of trauma therapy or anxiety therapy online

Let's embark on this transformative journey together, paving the way for a future filled with inner peace.