An overhead shot of a beach and waves coming in just like someone starting depression therapy

Depression Therapy in Hanover and throughout MA

Are you caught in a cycle of low mood, hopelessness, lack of motivation, and poor sleep? This may be depression.

Are you struggling with persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness? Did you lose interest or pleasure in activities you once enjoyed? Are you sleeping too much or not at all? Do you feel tired all the time? Are you struggling with constant feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt? Do you find it difficult to concentrate, make decisions or remember things? Are you struggling with chronic headaches, digestive problems and chronic pain? Or you may be noticing:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness

  • Lost interest or joy in activities that used to bring you happiness

  • Disrupted sleep

  • Fatigue and low energy most days

  • Constant feelings of worthlessness or overwhelming guilt

  •  Difficulties with focus, making decisions, or recalling information 

  • Chronic physical symptoms like headaches, digestive issues, or persistent pain

If any of these struggles resonate with you, know that support is available to help you navigate through these challenges and find relief.

How Depression Therapy Works

My approach to treatment revolves around helping you manage symptoms of depression by equipping you with coping skills like mindfulness, grounding, and relaxation techniques to soothe your body. I implement behavior activation, encouraging you to engage in fulfilling activities to alleviate symptoms and enhance mood. We also work on recognizing and challenging negative self-talk and thinking patterns contributing to low mood, replacing them with more compassionate perspectives. Fostering self-compassion and self-acceptance is central to our work, as we explore your values and goals to align thoughts and behaviors with what truly matters to you. By staying connected to your values, you can find motivation and direction even in difficult times. My ultimate goal is to empower you to break free from the cycle of depression, leading to a more fulfilling, meaningful life. Through support, guidance, and practical tools, I'm here to help you overcome obstacles, build resilience, and create positive changes.

FAQs about Depression Help

If you have more questions have a look at the FAQ page or reach out.

  • The optimal therapy for depression typically combines tailored approaches, with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) being key modalities. CBT targets negative thought patterns, promoting positive alternatives, while ACT fosters mindfulness and acceptance of difficult emotions, enabling individuals to live in line with their values despite depression. Integrating both techniques offers a holistic strategy for managing depression and promoting long-term well-being.

  • In therapy for depression, you'll explore powerful techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Through CBT, you'll learn to challenge the validity of your thoughts and replace harmful patterns with healthier ones. With ACT, you'll embrace mindfulness and acceptance, empowering you to cultivate a more positive and fulfilling life despite your challenges.

Imagine life where…

  • Notice a decrease in overall symptoms

  • Feel a a stronger sense of empowerment and resilience

  • You feel better equipped to handle life's challenges

  • You have greater self-awareness and understanding

  • Have self-compassion and self-acceptance in place of criticism

  • Deeper understanding of yourself, your values, and your motivations

Four people standing and staring into the sunset embracing one another reveling in healing that comes from attending online therapy

You are not defined by your depression. Reach out today!