Boardwalk with tall rushes on the left, water flowing on the right and the bank visible,covered in rushes, a grey sky above signaling tough times that can be helped by online therapy

In-Person therapy in Hanover, MA and online therapy across Massachusetts. 

Struggling with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Substance Use, or Relationship Challenges?

Let me guide you towards positive change.

Currently accepting clients for in person sessions in Hanover, MA and for online treatment across Massachusetts.

Do you have a sense you’re trapped in life and feeling uncertainty about your next steps?

  • Clients often describe anxiety as a relentless cycle of worry and fear, which makes even simple tasks feel overwhelming. They often struggle with constant feelings of dread, tension, and an inability to relax or enjoy life, leading to avoidance behaviors and significant distress in various aspects of their lives.

  • Clients experiencing depression often describe feeling overwhelmed by a pervasive sense of hopelessness, emptiness, and disconnection from life. They may struggle to find motivation, experience constant fatigue, and engage in self-destructive behaviors as they grapple with feelings of worthlessness and a profound inability to experience joy or meaning.

  • Clients struggling with substance use issues often describe feeling trapped in a cycle of addiction, experiencing overwhelming guilt, shame, and a loss of control over their lives. The constant battle between cravings and the desire to quit, along with the impact on relationships, finances, and mental well-being, creates a sense of isolation and fear of seeking help due to societal stigma.

You can heal, find inner strength, and reclaim a sense of purpose and joy in life.

Dr. Aida Cajdric-Vrhovac, PhD, a woman with shoulder length blonde hair, glasses, and a black and white top stands in front f a sepia toned map

Aida Cajdric-Vrhovac, PhD 

Meet Aida!

I believe you deserve a life and a relationship you deeply enjoy.

Living a life aligned with your personal values is crucial for overall well-being and fulfillment. At True Pathways, I believe in helping you rediscover and honor those values, empowering you to make choices that resonate with your authentic self. Your journey towards healing and growth is supported by me, guiding you towards a life that reflects your true essence and brings you closer to lasting happiness and contentment.

In True Pathways Therapy, I offer adult therapy seekers a non-judgmental, safe space where exploration of your inner self is encouraged. Together, we'll delve deep to uncover the barriers hindering your fulfillment, while equipping you with tools to cultivate inner calmness and challenge negative self-talk. Through revising your internal narrative and reconnecting with your personal values, our journey will guide you towards embracing your true self and living a life of joy and authenticity.

What I offer can help

  • Therapy for Trauma & Anxiety

    Comprehensive support can manage symptoms of trauma and anxiety, guiding you towards a place of calmness and resilience. Through collaborative discussions, we customize techniques like relaxation, mindfulness, and grounding to suit your unique needs. With trauma, we may explore the past to achieve understanding and closure, ensuring it no longer hinders your present or future. For anxiety, we focus on reshaping your inner narrative, fostering acceptance, and empowering you to navigate life with greater ease and resilience, ultimately helping you recognize the growth you're making along the way.

  • Therapy for Depression

    I provide tools to address symptoms of depression, including poor sleep, self-care neglect, hopelessness, and lack of motivation. Together, we'll implement behavior activation techniques to gradually tackle avoided tasks at your preferred pace, activating your body to influence your mindset positively. Through discussions on negative self-talk, we'll revise your inner dialogue to enhance self-confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, we'll explore the concept of self-compassion, fostering patience and understanding towards yourself instead of self-criticism.

  • Therapy for Substance Use

    I provide treatment for substance use disorders, catering to individuals who are motivated to break free from the cycle of substance use. Together, we'll explore the function of substance use in your life, identifying triggers and barriers to change. Through open discussions, we'll challenge these barriers and I'll equip you with practical tools to implement positive change. My goal is to empower you to overcome obstacles and embark on a journey towards a healthier, substance-free lifestyle.

Therapy gets to be simple.

In- person therapy is available in Hanover, MA and online therapy is available across the state of Massachusetts.

  1. Reach out.

    Reaching out for therapy is the first step towards positive change. You can contact me by phone or email. Feel free to share a brief overview of your concerns or what you hope to achieve through therapy. Rest assured, all communication is kept strictly confidential.
  2. Consultation meeting.

    Once you've reached out, we'll schedule a consultation meeting. This initial meeting is an opportunity for us to get to know each other, discuss your reasons for seeking therapy, and explore how we can work together to address your needs. During the consultation, you can ask any questions you may have about the therapy process or my approach to treatment.
  3. Work together.

    After the consultation meeting, if you feel comfortable and ready to move forward, we'll schedule your first therapy session. We'll dive deeper into your concerns, goals, and aspirations for therapy. Together, we'll begin the journey towards healing and growth, working collaboratively to navigate the challenges you're facing and build a path towards a more fulfilling life.
Trees line a river they are mirroring in the water like an online therapist in Massachusetts mirrors their clients

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

- Carl Rogers

Session Types

15-min Consultation Call


Offering a phone call to discuss:

  • Why you want to start therapy

  • What you wan you life to look like

  • Goals

  • How therapy can be helpful

  • Questions abut starting therapy

  • Scheduling

  • Offering therapist referrals if I’m not a good fit

50-min Individual Therapy


Offering sessions for issues such as:

  • Exploring your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in-depth

  • Developing practical skills and coping strategies

  • Working through emotional issues

  • Processing past traumas

  • Exploring unresolved emotions

  • Integrating the skills & insights

  • Preventing relapse

55-min Couples Therapy


Offering sessions for issues such as:

  •  Improving communication patterns

  • Resolving conflicts constructively.

  • Learning active listening skills

  • Practicing empathy

  • Identifying triggers

  • Exploring past experiences

  • Understanding each other's perspectives

You're taking the first step towards meaningful change and personal empowerment.